Often, we deal with terrains that have been in place for years and these should be dealt with with care. Most important is to create a healthy structure in the soil.
This structure will create at once a water buffer for dry periods and a drainage system during wet periods.
From this buffer, about 15 to 20 centimeters below ground level, the desired grasses get their water and nutritions during a drought.
Also, sufficient drainage of excessive rainwater must take place in wet periods.The growth of organisms must therefore be kept to a minimal.
More efficient aeration.
In order to accomplish a more efficient aeration of the soil, it is important to create an open connection and structure and our TopChanger makes this possible.
Once this structure is in place, the drainage passage for excess water is free and its buffering ability can minimize flooding.
On almost all high-quality grass areas, densification as well as water and air management are important issues.
By using traditional methods to aerate greens nuisance is often caused to players, and it needs to be repeated regularly to get optimal results.
Add to this that these traditional methods are also very labor intensive for the greenkeeper team.
Furthermore, the actual amount of sand used per green (from about 500 square meters to 2.5-3 cubic meters), is higher with the Topchanger because the aeration holes are immediately stabilized with sand.
All in one go.
With this machine we can get a considerable amount of sand in the ground with minimal inconvenience to the players.
In the same process, nutrients, wetting agents and soil improvers can be added.
By improving the condition of the soil with our TopChanger we reduce the risk of disease, also soil compaction and felt build-up are reduced or even eliminated.
It is also possible to efficiently treat dry areas, created by droughts, simply through direct injection of water to saturate the soil and build a buffer.
The addition of a wetting agent is of course recommended in the same course of work.
In short, our TopChanger drastically improves grass quality by using the soil as a starting point. All this in one process and on the basis of a good analysis in advance.